Picture contains a photograph of a Fire & Rescue Officer talking with a person with

Disaster Preparedness for People with Disability

Having an emergency preparedness plan means knowing how you will act together with your support network before, during, and after a disaster

Preparedness for People with Disability

Personal preparedness is the most important thing anyone can do to make sure they are safe in an emergency. Being prepared helps people to respond better and recover faster. We all need to be ready and know what to do. Preparedness is a process, not a one-time event.

Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) is a process for people with disability to create a plan for their needs in emergencies.

P-CEP can also help people who are ageing at home, have a mental illness, a chronic health concern, and other support needs. P-CEP was co-designed by people with disability, carers, community organisations, emergency services, and researchers.

Click here for disaster preparedness information for people working in the care and support sector.

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