Southern Downs Regional Council is committed to proactively involving young people in the future of our community through consultation and decision making processes. The Southern Downs Youth Council (SDYC) was established as an advisory committee whose role is to represent the voice of young people who live, work, study or volunteer in the Southern Downs region, to provide input into Council activities and decisions.
Purpose of the Youth Council
The SDYC program aids to provide young people with opportunities to:
- develop a better understanding of the role and function of local government, our community and local issues;
- 'have a voice' - raise issues, exchange ideas, discuss community issues, provide input in to Council planning, programs and services and influence local government decision making processes; and
- have genuine and regular communication about issues that are important to them directly with the Mayor and Council Officers.

Southern Downs Youth Council Terms of Reference
Download the SDYC Terms of Reference. (PDF 620.4KB)
Southern Downs Youth Council Members
Download the 2023 Youth Council Members (PDF 140.3KB)
Southern Downs Youth Council Meeting Minutes