Water is a very precious resource. There are lots of ways to save water in the home which will also save you money off your water utility bills. We have some great resources available to help you:

Conduct your own home water audit (PDF 3.2MB) of water use in the home. This information sheet provides details on how much water is used in the home for everyday activities such as washing your hands and washing dishes. Use the table on the form to then work out your total household use based on the number of people living in your home.

Have you read your water meter lately? We have a great online resource to help calculate the amount of water going through your water meter and into your home. For best results, read your meter at the same time each week and use our water usage calculator to if your usage is high - it could be due to an unidentified leak. Fixing leaks can save both water and money.

Check out all the ideas on ways to reduce the flow (PDF 4.3MB) of water into our homes. Have a look to see if any of the hints for indoors, outdoors and bathroom areas could be applied in your home. Also included are ideas on what to do with all that water captured when waiting for the hot water to arrive at the tap.

A single dripping tap can see up to 10,000 litres of water going down the drain each year. That is more than 40 wheelie bins of water that is not being used! Use our Leak Detection checklist (PDF 518.7KB) to make sure you have no leaks at your house.
We all have different habits when it comes to using water. Have a look at our Water Saving Action checklist (PDF 642.8KB) to see if there are some new ideas to introduce into your home.
Being Waterwise Tips and Helpful Websites
There are lots of great organisations providing helpful tips on how to be waterwise. Whether the site is local, national or international, there just might be a snippet or two that works for you.
Being waterwise at home (PDF, 931.3KB): provides simple tips on how to conserve water inside and outside the home.
Being waterwise with your swimming pool and spa (PDF, 161.9KB): provides information about pool covers, maintaining water levels, backwashing, leaks and pool design.
Detecting leaks and reading your water meter (PDF, 418KB): explains to residents how to check for leaks and read their water meter to reduce water consumption and save money.
Home water audit (PDF 3.2MB): provides a simple audit checklist and water usage calculator.
Home waterwise quiz (PDF, 1002.5KB): includes a quick and simple quiz enabling residents to easily analyse how they use water around the home.
How to be waterwise (PDF, 835.4KB): a brochure depicting quick tips to save water.
Rainwater tanks (PDF, 155.6KB): tips and advice on getting the best from the tank.
Residential evaporative air conditioners (PDF, 299KB): explains how to minimise the amount of water used.
Water saving tips for your garden (PDF, 258.6KB)
Compare the water efficiency between different products by visiting the Water Efficiency Labelling & Standards (WELS) site. The water rating label will tell you how much water that produce will use per minute, per flush or per load. Information can be found on a range of new and old showers, taps, toilets, clothes washing machines and dishwashers.
The Water - Use it Wisely site is based in Arizona but hosts a range of information for residents, educators and kids. Visit the site to find out 100+ ways to conserve water.
The Smart Approved Watermark site offers information on water efficient products as well as advice on saving water around the home, garden and business.