Stories of Disaster Recovery and Resilience
The Southern Downs region, two hours south-west of Brisbane, was amongst the districts affected by the Queensland Summer floods of 2010 and 2011.
Heavy rains and flowdown from the Great Dividing Range combined to engulf homes, wash away fences, decimate crops, and shatter hopes and dreams.
These Summer floods tested the limits of endurance for all those affected in the Southern Downs Region, and their plights sparked outpourings of practical support from the community. With the help of emergency services, friends and local volunteers they cleaned out, cleared up, raised homes, increased mortgages, and set their faces towards the future. And then it flooded again… and again. Residents bravely responded with both tears and tenacity.
The memories and perceptions of those intimately involved with these historical events offer a valuable source of information and insight for future generations. To capture this wisdom, over 40 interviews were recorded with flood affected residents, emergency response personnel and key community leaders. These interviews were conducted by a team of trained local volunteers, as part of a post-disaster capacity building initiative. The full versions of those personal accounts are available online as archival history.
Here, we present 12 powerful snapshots that represent the many stories of disaster, recovery and resilience right across the Southern Downs. Told in their own words, these accounts offer rich records of our local history recalled with both angst and inspiration.
To watch the full collection of 41 individual interviews, please click on the image below (opens in Youtube).

program has been made possible through funding provided under the
Community Development and Recovery Package, which is a joint initiative
of the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Natural Disaster
Relief and Recovery Arrangements. Although
funding has been provided by both the Australia and Queensland
Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily
represent the views or policies of either Government.