

Pest Animals baiting information

Council runs Coordinated 1080 baiting campaigns for wild dogs, feral pigs and foxes each year.

Why is coordinated baiting important?

Coordinated baiting with 1080 is the most economical way of achieving effective control of many vertebrate pests across a large area.  Broad scale participation on a landscape scale is more effective than isolated programs. Non-participation by landholders in baiting programs is the biggest barrier to achieving effective control. Please contact one of Council’s pest management officers to discuss options that can be taken when baiting to reduce the risk of poisoning to domestic animals and non-target wildlife.

Some things to know and understand before using 1080 baits to control vertebrate pests

All landholders and/or their authorised representatives wanting to take part in Council’s coordinated 1080 baiting programs need to comply with the relevant product label. These labels are available at the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) website.  Please ensure you download, read and understand the label requirements for the use 1080 baits prior to participating in a coordinated baiting program. You or your authorised representative will be required to sign a deed poll acknowledging the conditions of use when dealing with a restricted S7 poison before receiving any 1080 baits.

The key things to remember include:

  • providing notification to neighbouring landholders of your intention to bait at least 72 hours prior to laying baits (notification template (PDF 23.5KB))
  • ensure your authorised representative brings along and shows a completed 'Authority to Sign (PDF 61.9KB)' form
  • understanding the various bait placement distance restrictions
  • erection of property warning signage

2024 Coordinated baiting program

Proposed dates for the 2024 coordinated baiting program are:

  • 29 - 31 May
  • 21 - 23 August
  • 27 - 29 November

The proposed date listed above will be confirmed and advertised closer to the date.

Other useful links and forms associated with participating in a coordinated baiting programs are listed below:

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