Council has a variety of free resources to help raise awareness and encourage the adoption of waterwise behaviour.
Be Waterwise stickers are now available for businesses and community groups to place in their facilities. It is hoped that these little reminders will encourage visitors and guests to adopt Waterwise behaviour during their stay. Sticker sizes are:
Use the half flush: 150mm x 50mm
Take a shorter shower: 80mm x 80mm
Turn of the Tap: 70mm x 70mm

These stickers can be collected from the Council Administration buildings in Warwick and Stanthorpe. They are high tack but can easily be removed with care.
The showerhead exchange program is available to all residents and businesses located within the Southern Downs region. For full details visit the Water Device Exchange Program page.
Shower Timers
4 minute shower timers can be collected from Council Administration buildings in both Stanthorpe and Warwick. These have a suction cap which makes them easy to place in showers next to the taps as a reminder to limit shower times.
Residents can use a water efficient sprinkler to water lawns and gardens for no more than 20 minutes a day. Council has re-launched its residential sprinkler exchange and residents can SWAP their old sprinklers for new and water efficient ones. Complete the Residential Sprinkler Exchange form (PDF 199.3KB) or pick up a copy from your nearest Customer Service Centre. Residents must provide evidence their property is connected to a reticulated (town) water supply and proof of address. Take your old sprinkler and completed form to either our Stanthorpe, Warwick or Allora Customer Service Centre where Council will replace it for FREE!
Visitor Information
To support accommodation providers, Embrace the Local Experience is a flyer specifically designed to provide some helpful tips for visitors on how to save water during their visit. This flyer may be placed in reception areas and in room compendiums. This flyer may be downloaded and printed from the link below.
Embrace the Local Experience flyer (PDF 1.4MB)

To support backpackers and seasonal workers, a waterwise flyer has been translated into the following languages:
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Korean
- Japanese
This A4 flyer may be a useful addition in welcome packs and shared areas. It is applicable across all water restriction levels.
Multi-language Flyer (PDF 5MB)