Picture contains a photograph of a carer working through P-CEP documentation for a person with disability.

Disaster Preparedness for Carers

Disaster preparedness information for people working in the care and support sector

Preparedness for Carers

Being prepared for disasters can reduce the loss of life, property, and possessions. We all need to be ready and know what to do. People with disability may need extra support, resources, and advocacy to enable their preparedness. 

People with disability are the experts in their lives and emergency planning needs to start with them. 

Council's Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) program puts people with disability and their support needs at the centre of development and change toward disability inclusive emergency planning. P-CEP can also help people who are ageing at home, have a mental illness, a chronic health concern, and other support needs. 

Click here for disaster preparedness information for people with disability.

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