Plant list categories

Plant list categories

Explanatory notes for plant species identified in each vegetation zone can be found below.

Common name and scientific name
Plants can be categories by either common names or scientific names. The latter are comprised of a Genus and Species name denoted in Latin (e.g. Forest Red Gum - Eucalyptus tereticornis)

Growth form
Includes Aquatic (permanent water, floating on surface); Wetland (natural cycle of wet and dry periods); Groundcovers & Grasses; Vines & Epiphytes; Shrubs and Trees

Soil texture
Categories include: Sandy, sandy loam, loam, clay loam and clay.
More information can be found on soil types by visiting the Queensland Government website.

Height notes

  1. Height is listed in metres (m)
  2. Height is indicative only and will be dependent on location, growing conditions and the weather
  3. Vine height is dependent on the host plant species.

Tolerates frost / dry
The drought and frost tolerance of plants varies greatly, and can even vary within a garden, depending on micro-clmate, extra protection when young, provenance of that variety, local soil conditions and other influences. Gardens often change soil and micro-climate conditions due to the introduction of other plant species, fertilisers, watering, effects of buildings, changed wind conditions and changed shade conditions. 

Wildlife interest
Categories include: Birds, bees, butterflies, other insects, frogs, turtles and mammals

Flowering season
Summer (Su); Autumn (Au); Winter (Wi) and Spring (Sp)

Key attributes / other uses (e.g. koala tree, flower colour)



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