Landing Page_Water and Wastewater showing a Council officer in a high-viz workwear walking across the metal bridge of a water treatment plant to inspect the infrastructure.

Recycled Water

Recycled Water

Recycled Water produced following the treatment of sewage at Wastewater (or Sewage) Treatment Plants is a valuable resource which needs to be utilised in a sustainable manner.  Recycled water can be an important component for delivering a resilient water supply system and a viable tool for water security during drought and climate change. This is particularly significant for the Southern Downs as we experience frequent and sometimes severe drought, when water supply reduction measures need to be introduced. These circumstances encourage the beneficial and sustainable use of recycled water. 

The use of recycled water in the region can deliver different benefits, including:- 

  • Less treated effluent discharged to receiving surface waterways;
  • Compliance with effluent discharge license conditions (as outlined by Environmental Authority Permit);
  • Reduced ecological impacts of nutrients or other pollutants due to reduced discharge of treated effluents;
  • Reduced potable water demand and associated cost savings;
  • Cost-effective fit for purpose alternative to potable water;
  • Promote environmental sustainability.

Council supports and encourages the use of recycled water, for non-potable purposes only, which has been treated to a level that is fit for its intended use. Recycled water is treated and monitored at the wastewater treatment plants in accordance with the Queensland and National legislation or guidelines.

Council is a registered recycled water service provider under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.  The QLD Government Open Data Portal provides the list of registered recycled water schemes.  Council provides Class A Recycled Water for end use in Warwick and Stanthorpe in accordance with State and National regulatory guidelines for recycled water.

Recycled Water Schemes

Councils recycled water schemes in  Warwick and Stanthorpe provides infrastructure including dedicated pipelines to service non-residential users. There is currently no infrastructure in place to service residential areas. 

The recycled water scheme in Warwick provides Class A water to both authorised users (i.e., via a direct connection with water meter to the recycled water main) and tanker fill location (for filling tanker trucks and delivery to location). Likewise, the recycled water scheme in Stanthorpe also provides Class A water to authorised users.

Council reviews these systems for suitability and considers expansion or upgrading the system on a periodic or as needed basis.  Council is currently considering upgrading its’ sewerage treatment plants to provide Class A+ recycled water as opposed to Class A.  


Class available – Authorised customers (direct connection to Recycled Water main)

Class available – tanker fill station (standpipe to be supplied by Council)


Class A

Class A


Class A


#If the treatment plant cannot produce Class A recycled water as a minimum standard, then supply to the recycled water distribution network will be terminated until the issue has been rectified.


Recycled water is subject to the regular analytical testing regime for assessing the presence of both microbiological including organic and inorganic contaminants.  Tests ensure the water meets quality standards outlined in the Public Health Regulation (2005) for the advertised class of recycled water supplied by the schemes in Warwick and Stanthorpe.

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