22 November 2023
Southern Downs Regional Council is seeking feedback from the Allora community to better understand how and when key community assets are used, both now and into the future.
With the ownership of the Allora Senior Citizens Centre transferring to Council shortly, a decision needs to be made on the best use of this facility as well as impacts on the Allora Hall and Allora Sports Museum.
Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi encouraged the Allora community to join the conversation and provide input through Council’s Allora Community Halls and Precincts Survey.
“Community centres are public venues where local residents meet for a variety of reasons such as socialising, participating in recreational or educational activities, gaining information and seeking counselling or support services,” Mayor Pennisi said.
“Community centres play a central role in reducing social isolation, loneliness and increasing the wellbeing and self-esteem of residents by offering people the opportunity to connect, feel safe and supported, gain skills and build friendships.
“As part of the consultation process, Council is considering the possibility of relocating the Allora Library & Council Customer Service Centre to the Allora Senior Citizens Centre, which could allow for the expansion of the Allora Sports Museum.
“A third component of the community consultation is for Council to consider the financial investment required to upgrade the Allora Hall and whether this is the most effective use of limited resources given other options available.
“With regional growth comes pressures and challenges on our community centres, one of the most pressing issues being infrastructure.
“There are a number of issues to consider to effectively meet the growing needs of the Allora community including long-term maintenance of each building, suitability for the activities, the capacity of each venue and the financial investment required to bring each building up to standard.
“Council has limited funds and it is imperative to get decisions around the Allora community halls and precincts right the first time around.”
Having a say is easy. Complete the survey at
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7JWWMTG and provide your feedback before 5pm Friday 8 December 2023.
Last edited date 22 Dec 2023