Water security still a priority - Bore drilling and pumping tests to commence

Water security still a priority - Bore drilling and pumping tests to commence

30 June 2021

Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) is now moving forward with investigations of alternative water supply for the local region.

Residents whose properties adjoin public roadways proposed for bore drilling and pumping tests are advised that weather permitting work will be carried out for test drilling and pumping tests through July and August 2021.

The Bore rejuvenation and investigations for new bores project is funded by the Queensland Government’s 2019-21 Local Government Grants and Subsidies program and the recently announced Drought Resilience Program for Southern Downs.

One of the areas of investigation is to determine the feasibility of accessing Council’s 100ML/a groundwater entitlement in the Cunningham Alluvium and identify additional availability of groundwater sources to supplement region’s water supply. To date investigations undertaken by Council has identified 5 sites between Warwick and Pratten for drilling and pumping tests.

The results of the drilling and testing program will confirm the extent to which the bores could possibly contribute to the Warwick water supply system. Should it be determined that there is viable yield and existing entitlements serving the Warwick water supply system, further work may be done to determine where and how the bore supplies should be integrated into the existing water supply system.

Identified sites include Wheatvale-Plains Road, Toolburra Plains Road, Condamine River Road (Pratten) as well as decommissioned SDRC bore sites at Lyndhurst Lane and Gray Lane.

Bore drilling will comprise a pilot bore and possibly a monitoring bore to a depth of approximately 20m below ground level, terminating at the base of the alluvium.

Should final investigations indicate that a viable and sustainable bore supply system can be developed, works would likely be progressed to construct and commission these bores.

Weather permitting, works will commence in early July. All the affected residents will be contacted individually prior to commencement of work at each site. Council thanks the community for their patience whilst this valuable body of work is carried out as part of Council’s ongoing work to ensure water security for our region.

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