SDRC Economic Recovery Package Stage 1: Waive fees and charges for cancelled events and future bookings up to 31 December 2020.

SDRC Economic Recovery Package Stage 1: Waive fees and charges for cancelled events and future bookings up to 31 December 2020.

15 May 2020 

At the Friday 15 May Special Council Meeting, Southern Downs Regional Council voted to support local and community events by waiving fees for temporary event permits up until 31 December, as well as refunding fees for cancelled events due to COVID-19 as part of its release Stage 1 of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Package.

The Economic Recovery Package is the first of several waves of assistance to be announced with the specific intention of assisting the Southern Downs community to recover economically from the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and associated restrictions.

Councillor for Sport and Recreation, Events, Culture and the Arts Marco Gliori said that the Southern Downs is a fantastic tourist destination that caters to various travellers interests.

“The Southern Downs hosts a large number of community events that are unique to our region and the initiatives endorsed by Council today show our dedication to supporting these events so they come back stronger than ever after COVID-19,” Cr Marco Gliori said.

“Communities throughout our region have been strong and resilient in the face of a number of challenges over the last few years. Drought and bushfire have impacted many locals, but the community events held throughout our region provide a respite for our residents to laugh and enjoy something special.

“Beyond the emotional and psychological benefit for residents, these unique events also draw a lot of visitors to our region who utilise our accommodation providers and purchase exceptional local produce and wares; injecting an economic stimulus as well.

“Beyond waiving fees, Council is here to support event organisers as they reinstate beloved community events. If you have questions, I really encourage you to speak to Council’s Tourism and Economic Development team, or take the time to book a meeting and come in and meet with the portfolio Councillor and recovery team to talk about your event and what support is needed.”

From Wednesday 20 May 2020, Council will open Recovery Hub Centres to support the community. These Hubs will operate for at least a month during which Council’s Recovery Subgroup Chairs and Co-chairs (staff of Council) will be supported by Portfolio Councillors to meet with stakeholders individually or in small groups and gather facts, feedback and information on COVID-19 recovery support required.

The Community Hubs will be located at the Stanthorpe Civic Centre Supper Room and the Warwick Town Hall. Social distancing will be maintained and a booking system will be used to help facilitate individual meetings.  To make a booking to meet with Council Subgroup staff and or Portfolio Councillors, please contact Council on 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372) or at

For more information on the Invasive Pests Control Scheme or recommendations on pest control measures specific to the Southern Downs, please visit Council’s website or phone 1300 697 372.

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