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Mobile Phone Blackspots

Where are the mobile phone blackspots?

Council is committed to reducing the number of blackspots in the region through collaboration with the federal government and mobile carriers. Council is a key stake holder in disaster resilience and ensuring the community remains connected to vital services.  Council's Corporate Plan 2019-2024 includes a commitment to continue to upgrade and use the most effective technology to provide best delivery of services to the region.

The Mobile Black Spot Program (the program) is the Australian Government’s initiative to extend and improve mobile phone coverage and competition in regional and remote areas of Australia.   The Government is continuing to work with industry and state and local governments to improve connectivity across Australia, particularly in disaster-prone areas.  Improving coverage in natural disaster-prone areas is critical for keeping people connected during times of emergency.

Funding available through the program will prioritise solutions that will provide new and improved mobile coverage to natural disaster prone areas and designated major regional and remote transport corridors and may also support projects that provide for new ways to extend and improve mobile coverage and competition in less populated and traditionally higher-cost regional and remote areas.

Please click here for more information on the Mobile Blackspot Program.

How to find the latitude and longitude using your smartphone. (PDF 296.7KB)

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Is this a major transport corridor
Is this a natural disaster prone area?

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