Want to understand Mining Exploration Resource Permits?

20 May 2024 |

20 May 2024

Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) invites the community to attend a free information session on Tuesday 4 June 2024 to understand the implications of Mining Exploration Permit applications and grants on a property.
In response to community enquiry, Council is hosting the session with the Department of Resources to provide assurance to property owners of their rights.

Event Details
: Stanthorpe Civic Centre Supper Room
When: 12.30pm – 2pm Tuesday 4 June 2024

SDRC CEO Dave Burges said the session would be particularly relevant to the agricultural industry to understand how mining exploration permits could affect their operations and land use.

“Agriculture is the region’s biggest industry and Council is committed to supporting its continued growth,” Mr Burges said.

“Members of the local agricultural industry including growers, wine growers and horticulturalists are strongly encouraged to attend to understand the impacts of applications and grants over a property and their future livelihoods.

“Council is pleased to welcome industry expert Alice Prince, Manager Engagement from the Department of resources to explain how permits and grants work.”

Queensland Government’s GeoResGlobe has an online search tool to view Queensland's mining and exploration data to determine if or what exploration permits have been applied to each property in Queensland. Visit https://georesglobe.information.qld.gov.au/ for more information.

Users of GeoResGlobe can access over 600 spatial data layers that include themes such as exploration, production and historical resource authorities, geological and geophysical data, native title areas, administrative boundaries and more. Access is free and there is no need to register.

Last edited date 07 Jun 2024