Refugee Week celebrates rich cultural tapestry of Southern Downs

15 Jun 2023 |

15 June 2023

Southern Downs Regional Council will celebrate the region’s rich cultural tapestry during Refugee Week by welcoming new citizens to the Southern Downs at an Australian Citizenship Ceremony in Stanthorpe on Thursday 22 June 2023.

Citizenship Ceremony
Date: 10am Thursday 22 June 2023
Venue: Stanthorpe Civic Centre Supper Room, Stanthorpe

Refugee Week is an annual celebration that raises awareness of the issues affecting refugees and the valuable contributions they make to the communities in which they resettle.

As a descendent of Italian migrant parents, Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi is part of the Southern Downs’ long and proud history of migrant settlement.

“Australia is a thriving multicultural country as a result of migrants enriching our nation and committing to our shared values of freedom, equality and democracy,” Mayor Pennisi said.

“Across our own region, the tapestry of world-cultures is evident at schools, churches, community events and festivals where flavourful foods, new languages and cultural celebrations flourish under the same Southern Downs sky.

“Each year, we are honoured to welcome new citizens to our growing community and we can all be proud of our nation’s commitment to providing a safe home to people who have been displaced from their homelands.

“The Southern Downs has a strong spirit of inclusiveness across all community groups and we offer a welcoming atmosphere to all who choose to make our region their home.”

Council actively supports the beneficial work of the local Southern Downs Refugee and Migrant Network (SDRAMN), and through its Community Grants Program, has funded some of SDRAMN’s projects to support migrants and raise the profile of the different cultures within the region.

One of SDRAMN’s objectives is “to provide welcome and offer friendship and practical assistance to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the Southern Downs region, supporting them to transition successfully to life in our community”.

The work of SDRAMN contributes to Council’s Shaping Southern Downs vision that the region is a liveable destination for new migrants.

Refugee Week 2023 will be celebrated between Sunday 18 June and Saturday 24 June and the theme is Finding Freedom.

Last edited date 15 Jun 2023