HAVE YOUR SAY on proposed road names in Stanthorpe
At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 22 January 2025, Southern Downs Regional Council resolved to undertake a public consultation process with the broader community to seek public feedback on proposed names for unnamed roads connected to Lot 3 on SP305799, Lot 11 on SP191086, Lot 12 on SP182046 and Lot 386 on SP208840, 232 Sugarloaf Road Stanthorpe QLD 4380.
Council is considering tree names in order to establish a theme for the development and is inviting community feedback. Stage 1A Road 2 is proposed to be named "Blakelys Gum", with Road 3 proposed to be named "Apple Gum". Both are common names for predominate tree species in the area.
Council also invites members of the community to submit alternative names for consideration and let us know why those names are important to them.
After the public consultation period, a report will be presented to Council for the final decision on the road names.
Public comments and submissions are welcome until 11 February 2025. Please submit your feedback directly to Council via mail@sdrc.qld.gov.au or phone 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372).